Danann De Alba

Danann De Alba
Raised in rural Jalisco, Mexico, by a family deeply involved in architectural heritage conservation, Danann has always been aware of architecture’s importance and impact, and the need to care for our natural and cultural heritage. With an inquisitive personality, he is a lifelong learner and is always exploring the intersection of sciences, humanities, and design. He strives to deliver sincere, contextual, and responsible work.
Danann earned his Bachelor of Architecture from USC, where he brought together his interests in ecology, landscape architecture and adaptive reuse for his thesis project, and a traveling fellowship in Norway. After graduation, Danann was drawn to the Bay Area and chose to start his career at WDA – where he felt a strong sense of value alignment.
Danann always enjoys learning and exploring, whether it be at home, mapping his way through the city or taking long nature hikes.
- What other profession intrigues you?
- Engineering. I like knowing how things work and understanding the world around us. Engineers make everything possible.
- Who is your design *ride or die*?
- IKEA. They make good design accessible through manufacturing ingenuity. They are also committed to corporate responsibility and have tasty food.