Dustin Foster
Project Manager, Associate

Dustin Foster
Project Manager, Associate
Dustin’s passion for the built environment began as a teenager when he spent a summer working construction. Later, an extended trip exploring the architecture of Spain and Italy became the springboard for his academic pursuits. Dustin received his Bachelor’s in Architecture from UC Berkeley. He went on to the University of Oregon, earning a Master’s of Architecture with a focus on sustainable design and urban planning.
A native Californian, Dustin returned home to the Bay Area to work for Backen Gillam Kroeger Architects. At BGK, he applied his passion for craft and detail while growing as a leader driven to leverage the diverse experiences each team member brings to the design and building process.
Dustin believes in using his experience to inspire the next generation. He previously completed a 10-week residency with Youth in Arts San Rafael’s Architects in Schools program. Dustin taught design thinking to 4th graders as a method to approach the challenges of climate change and guided them in presenting their culminating project—a proposed redesign of their campus in response to sea level rise. Dustin loves to spend time at the beach with friends and family or at the skatepark in pursuit of adventure and laughter.
- What tool of the design trade best represents you?
- Black Pentel Sign pen. Early in my academic career I learned to design in ink to honor all thoughts and ideas through an indelible medium.
- What is one of your favorite works of design?
- The High Line in New York City. Much of what I value is embedded in the High Line project from a political, urban design and resource management perspective. The multitude of textures and moments that you are granted access to range from public to intimate from a perspective that is like no other in a city that I have experienced.